What's happening in the world of the Under Dog

Welcome to the blog, this is where we will update on any stories about the animals in our care, we will update on adoptions and any new animals taken into our care, basically, it is the whats happening at The Under Dog page… enjoy!

Mar jets off to Sweden!
So the lovely Mar has now made her way to her new home in Sweden (we really do rehome all over Europe!). She...
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Kingston and Rebel
Kingston & Rebel head to their forever homes!
This month saw the lovely brothers Kingston and Rebel travelling to their forever homes after their first...
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Mastin puppies are basically teddy bears
When these Mastic Cross puppies were found they were tiny, but they haven’t all stayed tiny for...
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Dog 7
Meet the cutest puppy ever
Dogs like Candy are the reason we do what we do.  She was found on her own, on the floor at the age of...
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Welcome to The Under Dog Spains new website!
The Under Dog Spain is the brainchild of Hayley and she set it up to help the many animals in need that...
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